What is the name of this institution?
Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi Islam Tazkia, or Tazkia University College of Islamic Economics.
Where is the campus of STEI Tazkia located?
We are located at Jl. Ir. H. Djuanda no. 78, Sentul City, Bogor, 16810. You can reach us by telephone on 021-87962291-93 and by faximile on 021-8792294.
Our campus is located in Sentul City, which benefits from accessibility from Jagorawi highway and Bogor Ring Road (BRR). Sentul City is equipped with a host of amenities such as shopping mall, hotel, swimming pool, convention centre, golf course, recreational park, as well as culinary establishments. Students can find comfortable houses available for rent around the campus that are well-suited for learning activities.
First year students live in the matriculation campus, located at Jl. Dramaga Km. , Bogor, 16680, about 1 kilometre east of the main campus of Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB).
Who founded this STEI Tazkia?
Dr. Muhammad Syafii Antonio, M.Ec founded this campus on the 11th of March 1999. He also presides as the current rector.
Who is Mr. Antonio and what contribution has he made?
Mr. Antonio is currently a lecturer on several subjects pertaining to Islamic Economics as well as a prolific author in the field. He has authored 21 books and encyclopaedias regarding Islamic Banking, leadership, management, as well as 10 volumes of History of Islamic Civilisations. Due to his expertise, Mr. Antonio currently holds positions in Islamic Banking Committee of Bank Indonesia, Sharia Advisory Council of Malaysian Central Bank, membership in Global Sharia Board al-Mawarid in Dubai, as well as advisory capacities in Bank Syariah Mandiri, Takaful Insurance, Bank Mega Syariah, Schroeders Investments, and PNM.
In 2010, in accordance to KEPPRES no. 31/2010, Mr. Antonio was honoured as a member of the National Economic Committee (Komite Ekonomi Nasional), a special task force to advise the President of Indonesia in various economic policies.
What are Tazkia’s vision and mission statements?
Vision statement
To be the regional centre for reference in theoretical knowledge and practical expertise of Islamic economics.
Mission statement
What are the benefits of enrolling in STEI Tazkia?
What academic degrees does STEI Tazkia offer?
STEI Tazkia awards bachelor of Sharia Economics, S.E.Sy (S-1), as well as master’s degree (S-2) and diploma (D-3).
Does Tazkia offer extension programme and diploma programme?
Yes, we do.
What courses does STEI Tazkia offer?
S-1. Undergraduate:
We also offer Sharia Banking Information System (Sistem Informasi Perbankan Syariah SIPS) in cooperation with Engineering Department of the University of Indonesia.
S-2. Post-graduate: (Accreditation: B)
D-3. Diploma: (Accredited)
Sharia Microfinance Management
What on-campus facilites does STEI Tazkia offer?
What is the academic status of STEI Tazkia?
STEI Tazkia is granted permit by the government (SK. Ditjenbagais Dj. II/548/2003) and is the national centre of reference for Islamic economics curriculum development.
Is STEI Tazkia Accredited?
Alhamdulillah, STEI Tazkia has been accredited and awarded the grade B by national Higher Education Accreditation Board (Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi - BAN-PT) for Islamic Business and Management, Islamic Economics, and the grade A for Islamic Accounting.
STEI Tazkia is awarded ISO certification, what is ISO?
ISO is an international standard of quality control. This means that the quality of STEI Tazkia is acknowledged internationally in addition to the accreditation by BAN-PT. We are, of course, always committed to improve.
What is the system used in STEI Tazkia?
We use course credit system, commonly known in Indonesia as Satuan Kredit Semester (SKS).
In the first year, students go through matriculation, in which students live in our boarding houses to provide intensive learning as well as Arabic and English language training.
In the second and third year, learning activities are held regularly in our main campus. Refer to our Academic guide for further information.
What is course credit or SKS system?
Course credit or SKS is a system that uses measuring of experience and learning process in a semester through weekly scheduled activities.
Are all students obligated to go through matriculation?
Yes, all first year students are obligated to.
What are the goals of matriculation?
What activites do the students engage in within the matriculation?
What are the rules in the matriculation boarding house?
Generally, students are obliged to comply with the rule regarding learning programme and counselling, wear appropriate clothing, maintain public order, and pertain from activities forbidden in Islam.
How much does matriculation’s boarding programme cost and what do we pay for?
Rp 1.000.000, monthly. Students are provided rooms, individual beds, cabinet and desk, three meals a day in-campus dining, and laundry service.
Are students allowed to live at home outside of class, especially if their house are nearby?
No they are not. Students are obligated to live in the boarding house. They are, however, allowed to leave matriculation campus during holidays.
What facilities does matriculation campus offer?
Academic assistance from lecturers, counselling programme as well as intensive language training.
Free internet, air-conditioned class, LCD, library, computer laboratory, sporting facilities, scholarly forums, all within this conducive learning environment,
Who are the lecturers?
Our lecturers are a team of accomplished experts in their fields. Our team comprises experts of Islamic economics, practitioners of Islamic banking and insurance, who were educated in Islamic International University of Malaysia, Al-Azhar University of Cairo, as well as renowned international universities.
What is the curriculum used in STEI Tazkia?
Our curriculum is a combination of IIU Malaysia and Al-Azhar Cairo’s curricula which is a comprehensive integration of conventional economics and sharia laws. Students are also given chance to take part in various programmes such as internship in renowned business and sharia financial institutions.
How does STEI Tazkia related to IIU Malaysia?
STEI Tazkia and IIU Malaysia are cooperating partners in curriculum development. STEI Tazkia alumni are also given opportunity to further their studies in IIU Malaysia.
What have the students of STEI Tazkia achieved?
Students of STEI Tazkia have proven themselves to be competitive on national scale. They have won various competitions, including, but not limited to:
How does STEI Tazkia graduates’ career prospect look like?
Very promising! Sharia application in industry is still in its development phase so there will be a substantial demand for sharia experts. In addition, Islamisation of financial sector, even culinary and tourism industry will render sharia experts in-demand. Furthermore Tazkia graduates can venture into business world as entrepreneur. 75% of Tazkia alumni were accepted as Sharia Financial professionals.
Will there be work contracts for STEI Tazkia graduates?
No, unless they receive scholarship which implicitly states that they are required to work for an institution, graduates are allowed to seek jobs anywhere they please, or continue studying.
How many graduates has STEI Tazkia produced?
We are still a young institution; we have, however, produced about 1000 graduates.
What is the relationship of STEI Tazkia with industries?
We have various linkage programmes with the sharia industry, especially MoU regarding internship and on the job training. In fact we are constancly receiving feedbacks from the industry world so as to adapt our curriculum and system to better fit the still growing sharia industry.
Can a STEI Tazkia alumnus continue studying abroad?
Of course, our alumni can be found in Durham University England, IIU Malaysia, University of New South Wales Australia, amongst others.
What industry receive most of alumni into its workforce?
Banking and sharia financial institutions take up to 75% of our alumni.
Are there many accommodation available around the main campus of STEI Tazkia?
Yes, students can easily find houses for rent or lodging options near the main campus.
How can I get more information regarding the admission process?
You can visit our website at www.tazkia.ac.id. Or call us on the following numbers:
How can I register as a prospective student?
Prospective students can register online at www.tazkia.ac.id, choose the ‘PMB Online’ option, and then click the ‘TPA’ option.
When is the admission process held?
1st Wave of Undergraduate Admission
2nd Wave of Undergraduate Admission
3rd Wave of Undergraduate Admission
Registration 15th of February – 15th of May 2015
Entrance examination 16th of May 2015
Re-registration 22th of May – 30th of June 2015
Start of Academic Year 15th of September 2015
Is Arabic language a prerequisite for prospective students?
Prospective students are not required to have Arabic language skills, as in matriculation, students will be intensively trained in this subject.
What subjects are tested in the entrance examination?
Similar to Academic Potential Test (Tes Potensi Akademik - TPA): Logical, spatial as well as verbal aptitude.
How much is the expense of enrolling in STEI Tazkia?
The students’ expenses will be relatively cheap compared to other private universities. The expenses are as follows:
Does STEI Tazkia offer scholarships?
Yes we do. We offer scholarships to overachieving students as well as underprivileged ones, which fulfil certain criteria, e.g. minimum GPA of 3.00.
What student organisations are there?
What achievements have the lecturers received?
Individually, our lecturers have received commendations in the past, including but not limited to: