The presence of Islamic Financial Institutions (Islamic Financial Institutions), such as banks, insurance companies, mutual funds, venture capital, leasing company, cooperatives, and BMT Sharia, is being a religious obligation (faridhah) and also dharurah or the inevitability of industrial and market demands.

In the meantime, the development of Islamic Financial Institutions and other businesses managed in Islamic term has not been supported by the availability of adequate human resources in terms of managers, entrepreneurs and academics which consistently assess, implement and develop Islamic economics.

It is as a result of the dualism of educational programs that are less integrated between economics, business and finance on one side with the study of sharia muamalah applied on the other side.

To meet those needs, start from 2001/2002 academic year, with the consent decree. Ditjenbagais Number: DJ.II / 548/2003, Tazkia Cendekia Foundation established Tazkia University College of Islamic Economics. STEI Tazkia provides bachelor degree (Strata-1) with three departments, namely:

      1) Islamic Business and Management

      2) Islamic Economics Sharia

      3) Accounting and Islamic Finance

In order to ensure the curriculum taught to students in accordance with international standards, STEI Tazkia has entered into a collaboration with Al-Azhar University, Cairo, International Islamic University of Pakistan, Islamabad and the International Islamic University of Malaysia who have been first taught the discipline that combines science and Qur'ani. Surely, STEI Tazkia also refers to regulations that are required by the Ministry of National Education Republic of Indonesia.

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